Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Hello all, so it has been a long time since the one and only Aiden has posted I hear you say? Well, admittedly it has been! I do apologise, but alas, exams had taken over. Not anymore though! They are over! Wooooooooooooooooooooooo... So, basically, I have put the following as my uni's:
  • Bristol - Computer Science - AAB - Firm
  • Leicester - Computer Science - ABB - Insurance
But I realllyyyy hope that I get into Bristol! xD I have stuff to start now as I am working in college over the summer as an IT techy, still working a typical million hour week at Debenhams, going on holiday with Tom, Lydia and of course Alex soon. Oh and I have a holiday to Mallorca booked with Mike for September. All in all, a very busy summer! :D