Not much to say today, pretty much spent the day at work. "Fun!" I hear you say? I know. The only bonus to this is that I got a lift both to and from work today, no walking for me! Not to mention that I avoided the daily burger king and instead settled for a Kit Kat, some hot chocolate, a Twix and some chocolate biscuits. (A pretty uneventful day in the scale of the world and stuff)... Other than one customer I overheard that was getting served by my colleague (who we shall name Liam in the following conversation, mainly because his name is Liam):
Customer enters and puts a "super sharp" knife on the counter.
Liam: Have you got any ID (as she looked under 25 or whatever it is now)?
Customer: No, sorry.
Liam: Sorry, I can't serve you then.
Customer: Okay, well how about you let me buy them, as I really need them now not later (I assume the person she wanted to kill was leaving the country or something) and I will come back later with ID.
Liam: How about no.
Now, you may hear me complain about customers a lot, but sorry this is just stupidity. For those of you who don't know, I work at Debenhams in Cambridge on Menswear.
I have just made the sixty second video blog (one take limit) for you as promised and am looking forward to your comments. Talk to you soon people of awesomeville (creative, I know)!